Housefrau Hints: How to keep your bathtub sparkling clean

1 bathtub
2 inches of water
1 toddler
1 baby
cleaning supplies

Step 1: Fill bathtub with 2 inches of water and a bit of bathwash for bubbles.
Step 2: Insert children.
Step 3: Remove children when toddler informs you that she peed in the water.
Step 4: Clean tub, refill with 2 inches of water and a bit of bathwash for bubbles.
Step 5: Insert children.
Step 6: Remove children when the baby poops in the water.
Step 7: Clean tub, refill with 2 inches of water and a bit of bathwash for bubbles.
Step 8: Instert children.
Step 9: Wash them as quickly as possible, then drain the tub and get them out of there before you have to clean the fucking tub again.

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