Rules of Throwning Up.

Rule #1: Never throw up in, around, or on anything that is easy to clean.

(This is especially to be followed by children.)

Apparently the universe thought I needed some excitement this morning when I attempted to drop Ava off at daycare this morning. She was happy and fine the whoooooollllllleeeeee way there. Then I opened her door, reached for her car seat buckle, and......BLECHHHHHHHHH, 3 or 4 times.

Thankfully I had an entire tub of baby wipes there, AND an extra set of clothing (yay me for being a lazy slob and leaving her change of clothes in the van from last Monday)(sorry for the second set of parenthetical text, but I wanted to explain that on Monday nights we do the Bedtime Story Time at the library, where the kids wear their pjs - so Ava gets changed in the van, and that is why she had extra clothes in there. Ok, back to the story).

But the car seat? Ohhhhh not so easy to clean with baby wipes! I did the best I could, but poor Ava still had to be strapped back in to a vomity-smelling seat for the 25 minute ride home. She didn't notice - she passed out cold.

When she woke up, she said that her "neck" hurt, meaning her throat. Before we'd pulled away from daycare the director said that she herself had woken up yesterday throwing up, and later in the day developed strep throat, and that a few other kids at daycare came down with it in the past week.

Ava's up eating dinner (soup, of course) after resting all day on the couch, and she said she feels fine. She has a fever, but it isn't too high.

Thanks for reading a story about vomit. I'm sure it made your day.

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