Happy Friday - it's time for...facebook statuses!

My current facebook status reads:

Larry King is getting his 8th divorce; Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time; Jesse James and Tiger Woods are xxxxxxxx EVERYTHING; 36 congressmen are involved in spousal abuse; and 3 women are killed everyday by their husbands; yet the idea of same-sex marriage is what is going to destroy the institution
of marriage?? REALLY?!?..." Copy and paste if you agree!
 Them's fightin' words, huh?  Not for me, really - I have my opinions and for the most part I'm cool with others thinking differently.  I don't agree with them, and sometimes I'll tell them, but typically it has never stood in the way of friendship or caused fights or hurt feelings between us.

I'm more put off by people who have status updates include:
  • them talking about eating food that I wish I could be having as well.  (Do you want to share with the class?)
  • them constantly saying how happy they are. (Take off the laughing gas for once and breathe in some real life)
  • them talking about the sunshine. (It's bright.  I get it.  Move on please!)
  • them saying only "oh no.." or "of course..."  (That's not a status, that's the beginning of a story.  Share the story, or face the wrath of my passive aggression.)
  • talking about things I wasn't invited to that happened near me. (Because I am emotionally stunted and am taken back to grade school when the cool kids had sleepovers and talked about it on Monday morning, and me and the girl with headgear are the only ones who weren't invited)
Am I a miserable person?  No.  But I have PMS today, so yeahhhh ha.  Time to break out the supply of tissues, carrot cake, and hugs.  Keep your distance - things are going to get messy, and I might make you cry or call a therapist for yourself.

(This is a good summary of other things that are annoying on facebook status by GQ.com)

I love you.  Really.  But I have raging hormones and sinus problems, so...

I'd say sorry, but when I have PMS I feel extremely entitled and justified in releasing my inner pterodactyl (as such, but I usually wear cute earrings):

Monday I'll say I'm sorry, and mean it, k?

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