Know what's great about today?

Not a whole hell of a lot.  It's not even 10:30am and today has just been chock full o' crap.

7:00am:  The main event today is that I woke up sick.  That is extremely important to note because it colors my feelings about everything else today.  Chrissie is NOT sunshiney today.  I woke up with sinus issues, swollen glands and tonsils, and the pleasant demeanor of an angry goat.  Good times.

8:10am:  At daycare this morning, some (not nice word) pulled up behind my van. One woman stayed behind the wheel, and another grabbed a child and went inside.  So I was parked in, then a bus came through and couldn't go, and then 2 more cars behind the bus.  I sat there honking, and the woman wouldn't move her car!!!  I was so pissed.  The one who went in w/ the kid was in there for like 10 minutes, while all of us were waiting.  By the time the car pulled away I was cussing.

8:33am:  Rolled in to the parking lot 3 minutes late.  Damn it.  Yes, it's only 3 minutes but it's ALWAYS 3 minutes and is just another little slap in the face about how I'm awful with time management.

8:38am:  Read about "Goat Races" held nearby on Saturday.  I love the randomness of where I live - 40 minutes from Philadelphia, and we race goats.  Excellent.

8:45am:  Seriously?  Someone finished off my milk from the mini fridge at work.

9:00am:  Supervisor leaving early, and there are 3 meetings for me to do that she normally does.  Hope my pleasantness shines through!

Current:  I have a paper due tonight for class, and I've not even started it yet.  I haven't even met my weekly participation requirements, and right now I don't care.  I'm so tired, I just want a break.

[disclaimer: I'm normally not this much of a boo-hoo-angry-baby.  It's just a bad day]

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